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Turning 21.

Well, another milestone down. I woke up this morning with the utmost upset stomach and head throb. The mix of White Claws, Moscato and raspberry New Amsterdam did me very well. It took me until about 3pm to fully recover. I almost had an esophageal eruption driving my friends home today. There is nothing worse than driving on construction roads while salivating from the vomit that is about to come out.

Having a 21st birthday in the middle of a global pandemic, during the summer, kind of sucks. It did have its perks. No one is on campus and the bars are quiet. I obviously didn't have a huge rager of a party because that would have probably wrecked havoc on the CDC. I had a handful of my closest college friends celebrate with me. My night consisted of a fancy dinner, rooftop drinking, and then my head in the toilet for an amount of time. There was also some peeing on the turf of the rooftop. Not ideal...but at the time it seemed like the only option. We also met the cutest pug named Ponyo who was just six weeks old. The night ended up being so fun and amazing and I couldn't have asked for a better group of people to spend it with.

I look forward to the freedom of buying booze at my leisure and escaping the possibility of getting a minor (Which I never did get woohoo!). I also never had to run from the cops.



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